Painting Demonstration 1
First, I sketch out the painting. Masking out areas allows me to work without worrying about reserving areas. I reserve a few areas with a clear wax crayon. Don't use wax where you don't want what's underneath to be permanent. It can never be removed. I lightly start tracing the trees in greenery in yellows and greens.
Painting Demonstration 2
I start framing in my center of interest. I want strong, rich colors to start. I'll pull up some of the paint, but hints of the lush richness of the colors will show up through the haze.
Painting Demonstration 3
I remove some of the masking and use a wax crayon to reserve some areas.
I deepen the colors.
Painting Demonstration 4
I add some strong darks in the foreground to give depth to the painting.